Want to teach pilates?
Sanctuary Pilates® trained teachers are smart, creative, reliable and consistent. The Sanctuary teacher has a strong foundation in classical choreography and combines this with the keen eye of a modern instructor. Kate’s former students can be found teaching locally at Equinox and NY Sports Clubs and around the world in private practice. Look for Sanctuary trained teachers in Italy, Mexico, Costa Rica and England.
Our program is an intense combination of classroom hours, observation hours, self-practice hours and student teaching, followed by a written and practical exam.
Upcoming Certifications
Sanctuary Prenatal: Monday-Thursday, November 2nd-5th, 2015 from 11am-2pm
This is a tried and true method. Mom’s using the Sanctuary Pilates/ Artibee Method of prenatal wellness have healthier pregnancies, go into labor with less fear, and recover quicker than Mom’s not practicing this program. As Kate says, “Yoga babies are happy babies.” Price for manual and two-day workshop: $450.
Sanctuary Mat Teacher Training: Wednesday-Friday, October 28-30th, 2015 from 12pm-5 pm.
Learn to teach the foundational, beginner and intermediate exercises of Sanctuary Pilates Matwork as well as learn to analyze bodies in the Artibee Method. Training dates are intensive and include all manuals and supporting materials. Self practice, observation and student teaching hours are required for a Sanctuary Mat Certificate. Total Cost $1100. Sign up with two or more people and receive a 15% discount.
Sanctuary Apparatus Certification: Reformer I Module: December, 2015 $2100 individually (or $4800 for full apparatus). Reformer II, Cadillac, Chair and Barrel: TBD January, 2016
Sanctuary Pilates offers a functional, anatomy based certification in the Sanctuary Pilates Method at our Manhattan Studio. This training is offered in three modules beginning with an apprenticeship program and includes safe and thorough techniques for teaching on the mat and all equipment. Students will receive a total of 240 hours of classroom instruction, studio observation, apprentice teaching, and self-practice. Total Cost $4800 (Individual breakdown available for modules: reformer, cadillac, chair, and barrel.) Mat Certification is a prerequisite.
Sanctuary In Schools Certification:
School Administrators: contact the studio to organize a training for your teachers on or off-site. Individuals: contact the studio for upcoming dates. Teacher Training in the Sanctuary In Schools method is lead in our studio or on-site and is open enrollment to all certified teachers. Three-day trainings include supplementary materials, teacher consulting and support. The program is also open to currently certified pilates and yoga instructors and fulfills many continuing education requirements. Total Cost $475.
Healthy Feet/ Happy Body:
Email for dates. In this one-day workshop, you’ll find the connection between gait analysis and body alignment, and learn ways to cultivate a healthy body harmony. Total Cost $250.
Thoracic Unlocked:
Email for dates. This one-day workshop focuses on twists and extension as a dynamic way to go beyond chronic flexion of everyday life. Great for spicing up your choreography and for modifying to special case clientele. Total Cost $250.