April = #Surfbort
Posted on March 27, 2014

APRIL: Take a Trip to the Caribbean
Thank you Beyoncé for this amazing picture of Blue Ivy in Jamaica and for our spicy song of the month, “Drunk in Love.”
Everyone in New York agrees this winter has been brutal.
So, us Sanctuary Beauties have concocted a plan to transport you to the warm sands and smooth waters of the caribbean. Chose any island as your fave (Kate loves them all), grab your #surfbort and imagine your ab series on the beach with a rum punch. Jimmy Buffet gets checked at the door. Welcome to Jamrock.
- 1 oz. Light Rum
- 1 oz. Dark Rum
- .5 oz. Coconut Rum
- 4 oz. Orange Juice
- 4 oz. Pineapple Juice
- Splash of Grenadine
- .5 oz. Fresh Lime Juice
Combine all ingredients and pour over ice. Garnish with a cherry and an orange wedge. Pro tip: enjoy with friends and workout beforehand.
News and Updates:
Yoga on Wednesday Nights with Shannie
We’re excited to welcome Shannie Easterby to our team. She’s bringing us two special yoga classes on Wednesdays:
7pm Yoga Body/ Pilates Mind
8:15pm Candlelight Yoga
Try them out and let us know how much you love them on Facebook!
Thanks to all of you for reviewing Sanctuary on City Search andGoogle! If you haven’t gotten around to it yet, there’s no time like the present. It’s a huge help for the studio’s recognition and reputation.
See you at Sanctuary!
xo Kate
Valentine’s and St. Patty’s Classic Rock with Classic Moves
Posted on February 14, 2014

Posted on November 2, 2013
November is Men’s Health Month and we’re celebrating with all mustaches all month long.
What’s sexier than Tom Selleck’s warm bed of chest hair? His mustache, of course.
At Sanctuary we love the men in our lives and we’re celebrating Movember in classic Sanc style: By listening to our mustached favorites: Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, Otis Redding and more. And by working our pelvic floor in every class. Time to tone up with kiegels while kicking it with to the Commodores. Yes, please!
Here’s a little inspiration to get you going:
Donate to our Movember fundraiser by clicking HERE
Ready for the holidays?
Consider giving a gift certificate to one of your favorite men. We’ll tone their abs, pump their arms and make you glad you did!
With a regular Sanctuary workout and a mustache, your man could look like this:
See you at Sanctuary Mo Sistas and Bros!
xo Kate
Posted on October 2, 2013
You. Better. Werk.
Every drag queen knows that the secret to staying runway ready is trimming down, not bulking up. So this month, we bring you TRANTOBER- a month filled with exercises designed by Kate to get your skinny on. Ready. Set. Lashes.
Shantay. You stay.
Join us all month as we focus on that svelte, cut look we dig so much in our favorite drag queens and 1980’s heroin-chic androgynous superstars. We’ll be picking up our 2 lb weights and sculpting long, lean muscles every day. Because- no tea, no shade- no one likes a bulky tranny.
Not willing to tuck? Keep that pelvis neutral and channel the divine Grace Jones. Check out this 1978 performance of “Fame” on Stryx. All metallic tunic, no pants.
And as if you need anymore skinny-in-a-fabulous-costume inspiration, we give you Ziggy Stardust. Not everyone can be the nazz, with God-given a$$. Thankfully, with a little werk, we can achieve a Sanc-given a$$.
Sashay. Away.
Highlight those cheekbones and head over to our month-long Sanc kiki. Wet your lips, and make love to the camera ’cause girl- YOU BETTER WERK!
BANG BANG! It’s CHERtember at Sanc!
Posted on September 24, 2013
It’s Chertember at Sanctuary!
In honor of Cher’s “Closer to the Truth” album release on SEPTEMBER 25TH, we’re celebrating the timeless, legendary diva ALL MONTH LONG! Wig up!
If we could Turn Back Time, we’d go right back to 1977 and ask Farrah and Cher exactly how they scored these svelte mannequin bods!
But our Sanc super powers aren’t Strong Enough for time travel. So we’ll just have to Believe that rockin’ Sanc workouts One by One will get us in head-to-toe sequin shape in no time! Our Cher-inspired workouts will have you slinging those guns Just Like Jesse James and stealing hearts just like (you guessed it) Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves!
Try this side leg series with light ankle weights (no more than 2lbs). Because After All, when it comes to workin’ it like Cher, it’s really All or Nothing.
So if you’re thinking, “All I Really Want to Do is rock out in a cut-out leotard and fierce wig because I was Born with the Hunger to be fabulous,” we definitely Got You, Babe. Grab your boatful of sailors and your thigh-high fishnets and get your diva butt in here!