November is Men’s Health Month and we’re celebrating with all mustaches all month long.
What’s sexier than Tom Selleck’s warm bed of chest hair? His mustache, of course.
At Sanctuary we love the men in our lives and we’re celebrating Movember in classic Sanc style: By listening to our mustached favorites: Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, Otis Redding and more. And by working our pelvic floor in every class. Time to tone up with kiegels while kicking it with to the Commodores. Yes, please!
Here’s a little inspiration to get you going:
Donate to our Movember fundraiser by clicking HERE
Ready for the holidays?
Consider giving a gift certificate to one of your favorite men. We’ll tone their abs, pump their arms and make you glad you did!
With a regular Sanctuary workout and a mustache, your man could look like this:
See you at Sanctuary Mo Sistas and Bros!
xo Kate